Organizational History Project
To celebrate the organization's 150 years in San Francisco, our team worked with a historian to digitize archive materials, research and build interactive timelines of key moments in the organization's history, assembled collections of essays and conducted video interviews with leaders from the organization's past and present. The project lives at
Interactive timeline, cover:

interactive timeline snapshots:

In addition to building the timelines, part of my job as project manager was to keep the organization's celebration webpages updated with new content, such as slideshows, articles, and interactive features. A couple of snapshots below:

One of the most rewarding aspects of the project was collecting essays from past presidents of the organization and sourcing photos and other media to create a tapestry of memories that bring the organization's history to life.

I built a second interactive timeline and related content to highlight the history of a second, related organization.

some snapshots from that timeline: